
T-ARA Lovey Dovey Zombie Look Inspired Make Up

HAHAHA!!! In the middle of the night, I don’t have anything to do, and I don’t want to sleep yet. Watching T-ARA Lovey Dovey MV on my computer, and thinking to do the zombie look (it’s Halloween anyway I need something to spice up things). I’ve never do this kind of inspired makeup look, always see it on Youtube (check out oiseau88, Promise Phan and, meejmuse they’re amazing!)

I took these picture as reference. So this is it, my zombie look make up!

I think it’s so silly of me doing this, but its fun though.
So first I applied eye base gel on my lids, and used my Ultima II loose powder and made darker area became as pale as zombie like (better use white powder). I started to draw on eye lid a big wing liner with dark eye shadow to make it easier to draw with pencil liner (better use liquid liner/gel liner; I don’t have it at this time so I use my pencil liner).

I was used white matte eye shadow around the brow bone and made skin paler around the eyes, also added shimmer white eye shadow on the middle of the eye lid. Touch up the wing liner with pencil liner again and made it blend with white shimmer eye shadow just before on the middle lid. Lastly add black liner on water line, just half way though. Eye makeup finished.

I tried to shade my cheek to look thinner with brown flesh eye shadow to make my cheek bone higher and hollow cheeks. To make paler look, I was applied bb cream on my lip and use matte pink lipstick and use lip aqua tint on inside area of my lip.

Final Look

Narcissist time… (hahahahaha!!!!!!!)

Actually it’s not look like T-ARA zombie look, but it’s fun I think to try another inspired makeup look. But what d’ya think?


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