I must confess, after I wrote about anorexia and bulimia in
Indonesia because I’m watching Supersize vs Super skinny (season 1 to 6 right
now), I have story about dieting regime that I’ve been doing and done.
I’m getting married this year, and since this January I was
alarmed by my fiancée about I’m gaining weight lately (maybe since New Year
I’ve been gaining some kilos/pounds/stones). I’m maintaining my health and body
weight with restricting soda, junk food, chocolate, chips, and ice cream or any
kind of heavy MSG snacks. When my fiancée said if I keep gaining weight, I might
not fit into my wedding dress, its scares me very much. For many girls big day,
I believe they want to be look like the Queen of the day instead of being big
whale for the rest of her life, so do I.
Actually I must confess, I have up and down situation with
eating disorder (ED), it might be only on my mind because I use to be obese.
Since toddler I was very big, my weight is above the
average, my eating habit is uncontrolled, and nobody really cares about how big
I am. Even in my 14th I don’t
even cares about boys, usually in that age you might be in swing mood on to
those boys right? There’s must be one or two handsome and cool upper classmate
or your classmate which you like. That’s make teen girls are aware about body
images and appearances.
I was lacked of awareness about keeping my body images in
good and healthy weight, it’s continued to High School. My height is 5.2 ft
(158.5 cm) is a bit above average South East Asian woman, and I used to weigh
143.3 lbs (65 kg or 10.2 stones). It’s downright obese, I was looked very
chubby, and my arm was same size as one of the girl’s leg in my class.
If you find it weird, well, in South East Asia, which we’re
having smaller body frame and smaller BMI, having weight over 132.3 lbs (60kg)
is considered as heavy/big/obese for women especially. The preferable maximum
weight for women in South East Asia is about 110 lbs (50kg/7.8 stone), because
the average height is 5 ft (155 cm). The weight around 110-121 lbs (50-55 kg)
is considered as curvy chubby body, so above that you’ll be called fatty, pig,
or worse is being called elephant.
The very awkward moment is my first time dated a boy in my
class, and I was unconsciously dropped 11 lbs (5 kg). After I broke up with
him, my weight is dropped again from 132.3 (58kg) to 119 lbs (54kg/8.5 stones),
and again it’s unconsciously done, so I didn’t even thought about diet. At that
time I realized that I didn’t drink soda and no snacking, I ate half portion
without consciously know about it. So the total I lost was 24.3 lbs (11
kg/almost 2 stones).
One of my friends was acknowledged my weight lost, and asked
me how, but I didn’t get it either at that time. After I realized my weight
lost I think that time I’m aware about going to diet, but I never reached below
119 lbs. It’s been up and down yoyo dieting and the weight is between 119-132
lbs, urgh... I was even on extreme fitness routine for 3 months but nothing
really changed my weight even I had toner abs and thinner waist though.
In back years of my activity in university, having skinny
and beautiful friends, and unhealthy relationship with my last ex-boyfriend,
made me being extreme on diet too. My friend once told me, my meal was really
freaky, ridiculous, and very little. I’ve had 3-4 times a week focusing on 2
hours in aerobic session, only eat small portion and always counting calories
intake. Sadly, yea… I’ve binged and purged phase, also abusing laxatives and
diet pills when I think I needed it.
I don’t remember much
about that depressing time, but I do remember my first time I weigh 111 lbs
(50.5 kg/7.9 stones) aaaannd…. My first collapsed. It’s true I’ve blacked out,
bumped my back head, and don’t know why I was collapsed. I don’t remember if at
that time I wasn’t ate anything or ate everything, maybe depression was eaten
my weight.
After a year, with balance life time, I’m gaining weight
again back to 119 lbs, having new boyfriend (now he is my fiancée.), and job’s
good. Everything is good actually… But the past sometime bulking up upon me
about weight, whenever I feel over eating, I’ll drink laxatives to suppressed
my guilt from over eating.
Somewhat getting married things made me felt ugly and so
bloated... It’s almost April, around that month I’ve scheduled our pre-wedding
video and photos. Oh yeah, it’s very common in South East Asia to have
pre-wedding video and photos, even these are become a tradition for couple to
do before married. The video is one in a
life time, and gonna be show off in wedding reception where people we’re
invited will be going to watch it. Don’t you want to look gorgeous in your own
pre-wedding video? YES!! I desperately want it to be memorable and definitely
don’t want it going to be regrettable.
Right now I want to go back to 111 lbs or better to go less than
that, but I can’t do it with healthy diet or maybe I can but don’t know how to.
I’m keeping at 1000 calories intake a day and training my abs, thighs, and back
arms (thighs and back arms need to be tone up because the effects of obesity).
My body measurements are not normal. My bust is wider than
my hips, what’s with that?? It’s only 4
cm differences but still not normal to me… In US I’ll be size 6-8 (depend on
the clothing brands), in Devil Wears Prada its fatty size!
I need to lose weight and tone my body immediately… Wish me
luck! The target is 111lbs before April!