
20 facts about me

20 facts about me XP *meh...

I know this is about me, but these 20 facts about me are some kind of remembrance, that I might read couple years later. You can doing it also :)

1. I'm born 1985 and  my weight is only 2.6 kg
2. I'm second child of 7 siblings
3. I have one big sister, 3 brothers, and 2 sisters
4. I have the degree of Visual Communication Design
5. I have the degree of Master of Art
6. I was in the same school with my husband in High School but we don't know each other at that time
7. I have 2 tattoos on my back, they're initials of us with wings
8. My first starstruck is Ronan Keating of Boyzone
9. My first manga is Min Min (cute manga from the 80's)
10. I'm Chinese born Indonesia
11. I can't speak mandarin *sad*
12. I won 2nd place at annual French Reading News Contest at UNNES, Semarang, Indonesia
13. I started Wu Shu at age 7 years old
14. I won first medal of Wu Shu National Championship at Surabaya, Nan Quan - Tao Lu class, 3rd place, 1996
15. I won my last medal of Wu Shu National Championship at Semarang, Nan Quan - Tao Lu class, 2nd place 2003
16. I was in PON elimination games (National Sports Week of Indonesia), ended up eliminated *ROFL*
17. I'm struggling to keep my weight below 54 kg, my dream weight is 48 kg
18. My first smoke is first year at university,
19. My first long drive at 2004, I drove my father's to Yogyakarta, and crashed the bumper in front of my cousin's house
20. I believe God is a place for us to tell him how grateful we're, not to beg our selfish requests

My Favorites - Movies, the actors and actrees

Hellow, are you fans of movies? Who doesn't, right?

My friends at university once said to me my favors to movie is odd. I don't have specific kind of movie which I like, when I interested to it, I'm going watch it to decide am I going to love it or just like it.

1. I love almost all of Denzel Washington movies, I fall in love when I saw Man On Fire. So I kept going on searching and waits another movie with him as a cast. The reason is all of his movie at least capturing different personalities, he got great performance of characters. Another movies of Denzel, some of it I watched it over and over : The American Gangster, Deja Vu, Book Of Eli, The Great Debaters, Bone Collector, and 2 Guns

Denzel Washington

2. LOTR vs The Hobbit (on going) personally I liked both, but I love Hobbit more. I love dwarfs. The reason is simple they are better than Harry Potter.
The Hobbit : The Desolation Of Smaug movie posters

3. All Johnny Depp fantasy movies. I don't care if it's not in blockbuster or box office. I once saw the movie based on true story : Donnie Brasco, I recall if it's wrong please correct me... And only this one movie of Johnny which made me cry. 
 Johnny Depp as Captain Jack Sparrow in Pirates Of Caribbean Trilogies

4. Breakfast At Tiffanys!!! This 50's jetsetter is blowing my mind. Holly Golightly, She's like my fictional fashion icon.
Breakfast At Tiffany's

5. Scott Pilgrimm Vs The World. Michael Cera isn't my fave actor, I don't even know him befote he played movie with Jack Black. This movie is hilarious the scenes are very comical and very like fighting games in 80's.
Scott Pilgrim VS The World movie poster

6. Inglorious Basterds, love all the basterds heehee... This movie is charming, beautiful languages, and great acting performance. Note: Brad Pitt a little bit lost there, descendant of Apache? Maybe I'm going to find another Quentin Tarantino fascinating movies... Kill Bill is one but it's not making me to watch it over...
Picture of Inglorious Basterds fan

7. Hugh Jackman movies, not all but some. X-Men, love Wolverine but not the rest. Fave : Real Steel
Hugh Jackman in Real Steel

8. Samurai X. First I thought, OMG this is going to be so bad, so many film based on manga or video game was disasters. But! I must say this one is the perfect one yet. Note: even better than 47 Ronins. 
Rurouni Kenshin the movie, Kouichi Satou as Kenshin Himura

9. Beverly Hills Chihuahua. I don't focusing on the stories (1,2,3) or acting performance but aren't the dogs very very lovable, cute, bubbly hugs????
Beverly Hills Chihuahua movie poster

10. Disney and Ghibli movies. I ate it all. Frozen was the last movie I seen, and the first Disney movie I watched in movie, bought the cassette (bought it twice because I was accidentally erased some of the songs), and a VCD, few years later I bought the CD OST, and after 10 years I bought the DVD also is THE  LION KING....  Even Little Mermaid can't makes me do that things... Cinderella and Snow White also my favorites when they're in video tape hee hee... Ghibli movies from Totoro, Princess Mononoke, Spirited Away, The Cat Returns, Ponyo, and Grave Of The Fireflies....all of them are very lovable movies! I recommend you to watch! If you like cartoon, anime, and deep story of fantasy.

The Lion King cover CD

Studio Ghibli Movies Collection


All About Eyes and Shadows

Hello :)

Do you wears make up everyday? What is your make up item which is a must have?

I'm not a beauty guru or make up guru, but I do aware that Asian make up was focusing a lot more on eyes. Maybe to make it bigger or rounder, or maybe something else. Back then in my college days, a black eye liner is always in my make up bag, I usually don't wear any eye shadows or blusher :p.

Well, we're improving being right? Always black is monochrome, dark, and gloomy. If you have panda eyes like me then black eye shadows complete us to be a real panda! So I look around to be more colorful person hehehe....

After I looked around Youtube for make up tutorials (I was had a phase, you know it when you're really addicted watching it but can't apply it). Most of really good make up artist are having similar hand gestures such as painter, how they applying colors and making great gradations... They made the eyes look beautiful not blotchy...

So, like other rookies, especially if you're also stingy about something that you don't understand yet like me (I hope you don't though). I bought just around standard price make up kit, I've never wear false/fake make up even rookies should know how dangerous it is if you have some complexion it's mean trouble.... But make up kit made in Indonesia always shimmery and glossy, both eye shadows and lipstick, even there's also a shimmery loose powder. What am I gonna be? A Christmas Tree? :(

I had bought NYX Bohemian Chic Color palette eye shadows as a trial to use an expensive make up item. Don't be surprise, $ vs IDR is gruesome for your wallet if you're Indonesian.... NYX is consider as drugstore make up in US or other country maybe, if you say drugstore I thought a cheap make up but still have good quality. A branded eyelash curler price about a dollar? You'll never see it here in Indonesia... If you're using US$, you can buy tons of drugstore branded make up with just 100$ that will last at least 2 years... *make up items that usually available at local drugstore : Silky Girl, Viva, and Maybelline.

It has really pretty matte color, not too shimmery, and added two colors of blushers. I believe more experienced people gonna make pretty nude color eye make up or smokey eye make up with this palette :)

I thought it was a dupe for Naked Palette, because it has nude colors too, but most of it are matte colors, but maybe I'm very wrong. Naked palette is really popular among YT beauty guru, but for me it's really pricey,  and I'm not gonna buy an eye shadows palette which cost half of my allowance (-____-) When Naked Palette 2 is really booming, and I have to have it when I finished gathering money (I'm a gatherer hahahaha!!! JK) Suddenly they launch Naked Palette 3! WTH...

This is also famous but, not as I heard about NAKED 2

This one I really like :)

and then BOOM!!!
 Aren't you confuse? Or maybe it's just me (an amateur like me don't understand)
UD just compiled NAKED 1 and NAKED 2 to become NAKED 3??? The colors are mixed up together (@_@) Sorry, no offense, I've never wear these palettes so if you have them, you're very lucky girl!

It's seems hopeless now to gathering, I give up to become a gatherer.... *nyaahh... just kidding...*

But I just order 1 pretty palette from Etude House, Play Color Palette 1 :) They have two types as you can see below :

Preeeetyyy.... I don't know this palette more attractive to me, and suddenly I just ordered it for IDR 295k (convert in Korea approx. 26000 Won, and convert in US$ approx. 25$). It's around 22000 Won in Korea, and it's limited edition.

I'm just thinking what I'm gonna do with that beautiful red there.... one reviewers said she love the no. 2 palette (without vivid red), because you can applied it daily, but from my point of view palette 2 is common... no offense... Is it a dupe for NAKED? No it's obviously not, it doesn't have a lot of colors and most of it shimmery and glittery.

(-_____-) So why do I ended up ordered shimmery and glittery eye shadows??? (which I don't like actually)
Meh... I watched @from head to toe Korean Style make up tutorial, and I think shimmery and glittery is not that bad, it depends on how you apply the eye make up. It's really simple tutorial actually. But I suggest you try to watch her tutorial and NAKED 1, 2, 3 reviews and comparison :p

See you and da~dah

Call Me Mrs!! ;p (pt.2)

Hi! I'll continue from pt.1 Call Me Mrs!! :D *ROFL... (actually I don't really used to it already...)

So... I said before that I didn't lost an inch or a cm bit from my arms, and I was promised to my self to lost weight before prewedding, I FAILED TO LOST WEIGHT *gyahahaha.... I was GAINED WEIGHT XD

And at that moment I didn't realize it until I went to my bridal to fit my dress for 3rd time, my wedding dress was not fitted at all!!! They can't buttoning because there was a gap about 3 cm *I was about to cry!!! It was fitted on me perfectly before, and then...* What's scares me at that moment was, it's only 2 weeks before the W-day!!

I weighed after that and ta-da.... 59 kg lalala... lalala... lalala.. approx. 130 lbs!!!! gyahahha...... *Can you feel how depressed I am at that time??

I went to this beauty clinic and body slimming care just to lost at least an inch of my arms, and probably losing weight. The doctor recommended me to use RF treatment, it's very easy, not hurting and middle cost, and I went there 4 times to have my arms treated, and I lost about 2 cm of my arms in 2 weeks. Do I lost some weight? Yes I am!!

So this is my diet routine for my wedding day in 2 weeks :
Drink a lot of water! I almost drink 2 ltrs a day, I don't drink any soft drinks
Eat in small portions but always have carbohydrate, in my case white rice, at least 5 tablespoons.
I don't picky about side dishes, I can get anything that I want but I prefer not to eat a lot fried food or meat
Don't eat snacks!!! I'm not eating any candies, chocolate, chips, or anything. Just drink water if I want to snacks.
Don't eat after 6 PM!! Eat fruits!! I'm substituted dinner with fruits, or I had dinner before 6 PM.
Do I get exercise? Err... Actually I just doing daily activity so... No... It will better to have it though...

THE Result!!! TA-DA!! 53 kg lalala... lalala.. lalala... approx. 116 lbs *Oh So Happy!!!* I went to fitting the dress again, but it got oversize hahaha... they had to shrunk it a bit. But it's okay, the dress is beautiful on me now ;p *that's what I thought

At my wedding day, I must woke up at 02.30 AM and go to my bridal for make up *yes, 02.30 AM* Usually I can't wake up because I haven't sleep!!

Jeffrey was my make up artist, his doing great job, he's also owning the bridal. He said my skin was good, the make up product was easily applied. So I thought wow, it's the miracle of ETUDE Moistfull Collagen Cream, I'm using it until now and I going to buy again :)

The hair... They want to make it to look like 1920's style, but my hair to is too soft and thin (even though it's a lot) so they have to changed style. If I've got that looks (1920s) it might be get into the theme I want to, but sadly, yea... okay....

Everything perfect so  I guessed this is it, this is my wedding day, it's gonna be okay! hahaha....

to be continued...

Call Me Mrs!! ;p (pt.1)

Hellow!! Call me Mrs!!! 

Last 6 months was very hectic and I would say marvelous and brilliant at the end of my wedding daaayyyy!!!! 

My prewedding was good! I don't lost an inch/cm of my arms but I don't really care!! 

This pretty dress was made just for me by destiny!!! *ROFL When I first tried the dress it's fitted well. My prewedding theme is Shanghai and Baba Nyonya :)

The theme was recommended by my friend, Novi. Thank u girl! 

The setting was in Adya Nalendra Boutique Hotel, they have this chinese theme room and javanese theme. Perfect spot to get photoshoot there.

I love that batik by Ferry Setiawan :)

Woohoo! Whaddya think?

To be continued ;p by Amelia Hoo. Powered by Blogger.